Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why be a King, When you can be a God?

Yep.... One and only, Eminem.
I talked about him before in my blog about Music
It was one of my first blogs so it was pretty short, so, I decided to write more about why I like Eminem.

one of the main reasons is his Personality. yeah, you might ask who cares about personality when you listen to the music? well, in most of the cases that's not true, for me it's important what kind of person is the artist that I'm listening to, in case of Eminem I see a Real Person, not some random celebrity with a fake personality who tries to get attention. well you might doubt me about his alter ego, Slim Shady which sure is a fake character created by Eminem. but, we'll talk about him later. what I mean is Eminem writes song about real stuff, he writes song about his life, about his experiences, some of them have interesting stories, and most of his songs are inspirational, songs like: Till I Collapse, Lose Yourself, I'm Not Afraid, some are depressing like: Stan, Like Toy soldier, Cleaning Out My Closet. How can you not respect a Rapper who actually raps about real stuff and not just about Money, Whores, Cars and Gangsters. I don't know about you but I enjoy more when song has a meaning, when song has a lyrics that can inspire you, help you to fight depression, make you think about life... and more.

Other reason is his Style, well all the celebrities have a style, most of them are stolen from other celebrities, but still... Eminem has some kind of unique style, I'm not sure what does that mean, but anyways I just like that his fashion is so simple and so cool, Nike Air Max, Regular T-Shirt, Hoodie Jacket, Normal cap, some black jeans. nothing special, but he still kinda looks like Badass!
well in fact, he is a Badass, not everyone can reach such a height from nothing, most of famous people don't deserve the fame they get, but Marshall sure as hell deserved every single fan that he has, he also has that kind of emotional style, he is always serious, it's pretty rare to see him laugh or smile, he always tries to stay in his zone, and don't you even try to deny that we all love Pissed off Eminem, when he spreads his anger in his songs, when he screams, it's just Epic!

And..... Lyrics, I want to talk more about his songs, about his lyrics, most of you know song Lose Yourself, you must be a potato or a tomato if you haven't heard that song before, The way every single word is rhythmed with other words just blows my mind.
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
there's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
he's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs,
but he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down,
the whole club goes so loud
he opens his mouth, but the words won't come out

and now, it's time to talk about the most famous Alter Ego of all time Slim Shady. Well, can we consider Shady as a fake personality? I think not, because all of us, Yes, all of us have that different personality, character who is not like our original self, we can call it dark version of our self, or simply Alter Ego. Yes Shady is a dark version of Eminem, more violent and more crazier than him. in his songs as a Shady he just shows us less serious version of himself, it's more fun, more entertaining, more interesting for some reason, that's why most of his fans are mad that he doesn't do all that crazy stuff he did in his early ages as a Slim Shady. I personally enjoy his crazy songs, The Real Slim Shady and Without Me still are one of my favorite songs of all time.

Well this is pretty much it, the reason why I like Eminem.


There are times in our life when we want to change something, when we want to start whole new life, to see world with different eyes. the reason we want this is because of people around us, Yes people are the main reason, when you find yourself in the circle of "Friends" who don't like you the way you are, then you just want to do something about it, you want to be different, you want to CHANGE.
Lots of us wants to be like celebrities, to be cool like them, so we imitate their style, their fashion, after this we lose our individuality, we become someone else. it's a problem when you follow someone else, when you don't want to do something just because someone told you that. every person is a main character in their life, so what's the point if we live like others wants us to live? if we do thing that others wants us to do? most of the times in our life we're looking for motivation, for inspiration to do something, but we're just looking, not trying to find it and reach it, we just go across the internet, listen to inspirational quotes and think about doing something.... the thing that pisses me off is that LIFE sometimes can be too heavy, yes even for a 16 years old kid, Life can be tough for everyone, some people are happy with everything they have and they continue to live that way until the end of their life... but for most of the people life is unfair, and one big reason is people that are around us! I've been in that situation, I had friends that made me feel like a loser, I thought I was nothing and I thought that I needed to be like them, and I was wrong. I just needed to find myself to improve my skills and do everything to be best version of me, I'm still trying, I'm also trying to find people that share same interest, same vision. because when you're with friends that don't like something that you do they call you a loser, just because they have different interests, they drag you down. sometimes friends that you know all your life can be your worst enemies. you think they are on your side all the time but suddenly they disappear when you need them.

The only thing that you need to change is people around you, people who you're contacting with, people who you see everyday. just stay away for a while and try to find yourself, then you will realize what you need and what you want. Find different group of people and find yourself. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Breaking Bad - Goodbye

I never was huge fan of a TV shows, because most of them fail after one or two seasons, sometimes story gets boring, or uninteresting and sometimes it's just not worth watching at all because of characters. We've all seen Prison Break, Lost, House, 24, Lie to me and more, Yes they were epic but most of them got boring for me, I stopped watching them after I lost interest. but when I started watching Breaking Bad I was surprised with the quality it had. Characters were great, plot was amazing, story development was mind-blowing, action was beyond epic and dialogues are one of the best I've seen for a while, the scene where Walter yells to Skyler "I'm the DANGER" is just legendary. not often we get to see great TV shows like this, so it's very sad that it's over... and it ended with a huge BANG. seriously who didn't cry at the end of Breaking Bad? and can anyone else imagine better ending for the show? I guess not, it ended perfectly!
Vince Gilligan did absolutely great job on this show, Bryan Cranston is just an amazing actor!

from the Season 1 we see how Walter goes to different stages of development, how he changes and how his choice effects others, at the end when we see completely destroyed Jesse and Walter staring at each other is just great! the way Walter finally admits that all he did was done because he wanted it, because he liked it gave me goosebumps, because after all this lies that he told to his wife after everything bad he've done he finally admits, he finally faces the truth. it's the best TV drama that I've ever seen in my life.I doubt there will ever be something better than Breaking Bad, Everything in this show is amazing! even soundtracks are freaking great! and every scene, every shot is captured in a great way, it's a great cinematic experience. everything was done well and I can't find single thing that I can complain about, it's just perfect! no other show, even The Walking Dead can't top this, because there'll never be character better than Heisenberg.

Monday, July 28, 2014

About Me

Hi, My name is Achiko Arjevanidze, I live in Georgia, Tbilisi. I'm 16 years old, I like music, movies, dancing, reading, gaming... and stuff. on my free time I usually go on the internet, I read news, chat with friends, write stuff on forums, posts and blogs. mostly I watch Youtube videos, my  favorite Youtubers are PewDiePieEpic Rap Battles of HistoryTheFineBros and more...
I watch lots of movies, I'm huge movie fan since childhood and till today I've never lost my interest. when there is a new movie released I'm trying not to miss it, I also like criticism, so when I don't like something about something I always express my opinion. it's always interesting to argue with someone who has arguments, you can learn a lot from that.
I'm trying to be social, to have contact with people from around the world. I don't usually dream about some crazy stuff, but I'd like to travel around the world someday, to visit different countries, to meet my favorite celebrities. Since childhood I always wanted to visit Italy and France, those are my favorite countries that I'd like to live in.

The reason I created this blog was just to write stories and stuff that I'd like to share and revisit in the future, I still have some notes that I wrote long time ago and it's always interesting to read it after few years. blog is something different, well for now it's just a test to try how it works.

I wrote about my favorite movies in previous post, I also wrote short description of music that I like, but now I'd like to write little bit more about my favorite musicians. well, I was around 5-6 years old when I heard Michael Jackson for a first time, I remember first time seeing Thriller on tv, back then I didn't had persona favorites, well, because I was a kid and I didn't cared much, but after Michael Jackson died somehow I felt sad even though I wasn't really listening to his music often, but after that I started to revisit memories, I watched his performances, his music videos, I remembered how amazing he was, I was reading his biography, facts about his life and as much as I learned about him more interested I was. my favorite songs still are Billie Jean, Man in the mirror, Beat it, The way you make me feel... and more. it's hard to choice between his songs, all of them are great, but Michael Jackson is not all about music, his dance moves are something that no one can do as perfectly as MJ did. when you watch modern music videos or live performances, it's easy to notice that most of them copy Michael, because it's hard to invent something new now after Michael Jackson invented almost everything in music industry.
rather than MJ, I love listening to Queen, System of the down, Elton John, Eminem, Elvis Presley, Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Marilyn Manson... and more, I listen to almost any genres of music, most often Pop and Rap, but I find all the genres interesting in their own way. I want to visit some big concert with my favorite singer... no one visits this country, so first I must try get out from here.

I prefer watching movies in cinema than in TV, so, I try to visit most of the film after release. Sometimes I think about directing movies in the future, it's seems pretty interesting. you can read about my Top 5 favorite movies here.

You can follow me on Google+ and Twitter

Sunday, July 27, 2014

My Favorite Movies

When you're asked to name your favorite movies it's always hard to answer, because there are so many, but still.... there are some which you just can't forget. Here are my Top 5 movies that I enjoy watching.

Number 5 - Skyfall
I'm huge James Bond movie fan, the first movie that I ever watched in cinema was Die Another Day, I was 5 years old back then, and when I saw all the action in the movie I was blown away, I loved it! now when I watched Skyfall in cinema on a huge screen I sure as hell expected amazing movie with my favorite character but what I saw completely blow me away. It was extremely good. The Villian gave me goosebumps, ending was brilliant! I think Daniel Craig is the best for this role.

Number 4 - Inception
Modern movies often lack creativity, they mostly have the same plot that we've seen many times before, but when you watch Inception you just won't believe your eyes, not only it will blow your mind into the little pieces, but it'll also makes you wonder how can anyone come up with such an idea and how can someone direct this movie in such a nice way.... Well, got to give Christopher Nolan respect for that. This movie rocks!

Number 3 - Fight Club
Well, I have to mention that I mostly watch movies because of actors that I like, and this movie is one of those movies that I got interested in because of actors. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are great together, when I saw this movie I was impressed, it's a great movie with an interesting story but I'm sure I wouldn't enjoy with this movie as much if there were different actors.

Number 2 - Hachi: A Dog's Tale
I'm not really fan of drama, but I have to say that this movie almost made me cry, Movie about the extraordinary love and devotion of a dog for his beloved human companion, Great movie! I wish I had dog like Hachi.

Number 1 - Shutter Island
as I said, lots of movies today lack creativity, so, I'm always trying to find something interesting to watch, for me this movie is the best thing that I've seen for a while, Leonardo is a great actor, the plot of the movie is beyond epic and all the scenes are captured in a brilliant way, it's one of those movies where you don't know what the hell is going on until the end, and I love it. My favorite movie.


Music is the most brilliant thing that exists in our world, it helps when we're bored, it helps when we're sad, it can motivate us and it can make us dance! It's just amazing.
 I listen to different genres of music, but mostly I like pop and rap. My favorite artists right now are Michael Jackson and Eminem

the thing I like about Michael Jackson is that he improved music in lots of aspects, he invented his own dance, his own style and his voice is just brilliant! not alot of singers have more than 750 awards and I doubt that someone will ever have. The Greatest Entertainer of All Time

I listen to rap music since age of 8 maybe, since then my favorite rapper was Eminem, My favorite song was The Real Slim Shady and it still is, Back then when I was a kid I didn't really understood much of an English, but now when I listen to his songs and when I hear the lyrics I just can't stop listening, I mean, it's not often when artists puts reality in his music, lots of singers, most often rappers do songs about thing that don't matter, things that are nothing but the random words, but Eminem always had some depressing and some interesting songs, I'm sure that alot of people find himself in his music, he shares his experience, his stories that we can relate to. I also listen to Dr.Dre, Macklemore, Snoop Dogg and more...

Facebook Addiction

If you find yourself sitting at the computer, reading posts and comments that are complete waste of time and you realize you have spend 1 day on nothing but reading same stuff you've reed before then you have wasted your time. "Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend" ~ Theophrastus
It's Pretty common problem in our modern society, We are stuck in our social network and sometimes we can't get out, A day wasted on surfing non-sense posts is a day wasted, just imagine, how long are you gonna live? 50 years? hmmm 50 years is 18262 days, if you have 50 years left in your life and if you keep spending time on nothing, if you keep sitting at your computer and doing nothing but just stupid things, like watching same post over and over again, reading things that are waste of time... then you're going to find yourself lost, lost in community that wants to drag you down. It's not about how much time we spend on interned, it's about how we spend it. there are thousands of ways to get profit from interned, there are millions of ways to get entertained and to have fun, but there are also millions of distractions...